2009 / mullaitivu area map / GoogleEarth /  refugees camp



The Barb Wire Hanger And Dress

I was born in 1977 in the village called Kumarigama, in the Ampara District,
in the Eastern Province.
1977 was a year where drastic changes in Sri Lanka started. Some root causes for the civil
struggles that later started, were born or nurtured in this year.
The leftists’ struggle ended in 88/89. I was a small child and fear was the only feeling I had.
But later I understood how state terrorism brought the possibility of death to a large
number of people including students.
In July 2007, the final war began from the East, and ended in the Mullaitivu war-free zone.
A large number of people, about 300,000 according to some high estimates, faced the
possibility of death so close to them.
These are some of the thoughts behind my work, The Barb Wire Hanger And Dress.